Navigate to the Control Panel > People Tab > Setup > Privacy Options.
The first question on this screen controls whether your club or association shares member and non-member data with third parties for marketing and/or fundraising purposes. If you answer Yes, members and non-members will see an additional question giving them the ability to opt-out of being included in these lists.
The second question requires you to define a Data Protection Officer (“DPO”). This is a board member or senior staff person who is responsible for protecting the confidential data of members and non-members. The DPO also handles inquiries about data security, potential breaches, and requests to be removed or forgotten from the organization’s records.
The final question controls how ClubExpress should handle a “Forget Me” request for a membership that includes multiple people.
Some privacy issues cannot be configured. For example, members and non-members will always be asked to consent to storing their data in the US; to allowing ClubExpress to send transactional messages (for example, membership renewal notices and payment confirmation emails) on behalf of your club or association; and to allow ClubExpress to share your data with third parties for official club or association business (such as to process your credit card.) This consent is required. They will also be asked whether they want to receive general news and updates from your club and association; they may opt-out.