This option is especially valuable for community service clubs such as Rotary, Lions, Exchange, etc., where it’s important to track a member’s contributions to the organization over multiple years.
Achievements tracking allows administrators to enter achievements for a member in the People Manager – Profile screen. This option is also visible to members on their Profile screen but it’s read-only. These achievements will then appear on the member’s Bio page.
Enabling Member Achievements
Navigate to the Control Panel > People Tab > Setup > People Options. Under Membership Options, check the option to track achievements. Basic achievement tracking only allows you to enter the achievement name and a date. Comprehensive tracking allows you to assign committee membership to an achievement. It also adds the achievement to the member's profile automatically if they're added to a Committee.
Adding Achievements
In the People Manager, search for the member and navigate to their Member Profile. Under More Member Options, click Achievements.
Click Add Achievement. The options you see will depend on whether you've chosen Basic or Comprehensive tracking.
Alternatively, if you add a member to a committee and are using Comprehensive tracking, the achievement is added to their profile automatically.