At the top of the screen is a toolbar of buttons, with similar functions grouped logically. Underneath is the edit area, where you type text, highlight blocks, manipulate tables and images and perform other editing functions. At the bottom of edit area is another toolbar with special functions, then a word and character count.
Click the Tools (wrench) icon on this toolbar to display a second toolbar with more advanced actions.
Many functions work on a block of text that has been highlighted by dragging the mouse cursor over the text. The editor also supports “Drag-and-Drop” to move highlighted text from one part of the page to another.
Working with Page Rows
A panel on the right allows you to insert specially formatted page rows. Page rows allow content you create to adapt to all screen sizes (tablets, mobile phones, etc.). Different combinations of columns and widths are available, as well as options to float images to the left or right of text.
Click an option to insert a row with that format into the edit panel. The panel has two boxes of dashed lines; these boxes will not be displayed when you save your page. Your content is entered within the inner box; the outer box represents 10px of padding on all sides of your content.
A blank line is also entered above and below the new panel, allowing you to position the cursor to add more rows or enter content that does not need to be in a row.
The following screenshot shows a custom page with multiple rows:
The current page row is highlighted. When more than one row has been added to the page, new icons appear on the side panel to move the current row up or down, or to delete it.
You should not try to delete the outer and inner boxes, since they control the edit area responsiveness. If you don’t want a specific row, cut and paste its content to a different part of the page and then click the Delete icon to remove that row.
When you edit an existing custom page that has not been updated to use this model, we will place the page’s content within a “1 box 100% Width” container. This will not affect the page's original content.
In general, row layouts cannot be changed (unless you’re a very experienced website developer); once you have picked the set of boxes, you are stuck with them for that row.
Rows can be inserted anywhere (for example, into other rows) to form more complex layouts.
We strongly recommend that you use these page rows for all content. They will ensure that your content is properly formatted for and responsive to mobile devices.
Working with Widgets
The side panel has a second tab that allows you to insert predefined widgets into your page. See Website and Webpage Widgets