For major events, many clubs and associations have someone write up an event report for sharing with members and the public. They may also collect photos from the event and upload them into an album, to show everyone what a good time was had by all.
If this panel was enabled, click the After Event arrow or edit icon to link a page or album to the event. You will see a screen similar to the following:
Click the Event Report Page option to select a ClubExpress custom page for the event report, a description or narrative of what happened at the event. The page must have already been defined.
Click the Event Photo Album option to select a ClubExpress photo album containing photos of the event. The album must have already been defined.
In both cases, you can also specify whether the page and/or album buttons should be displayed immediately or only after the event.
Once the required information has been defined, check the Panel is Complete box and click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to return without saving.