On the Registration panel for a QuickEvent, you can select RSVP Only for the Registration question. When you do, the panel changes.
Check off which RSVP Responses you want to display.
Example: If you only want to record those people who can come, check the Yes option and leave No and Maybe unchecked.
You can optionally enable a Comments panel where people can enter notes as part of their RSVP.
Example: A “No” comment might be something like “Apologies, but we’re out of town.” A “Yes” comment might be “I’ll be a little late, depending on traffic.”
RSVP Scope controls who can RSVP: everyone or active members only.
RSVP List Visibility controls whether members and the public can see who else is coming. The list is displayed in categories for each enabled response.
Maximum Guests allows people to RSVP and bring one or more guests.
Enable Quick Release is the same option described above.
When someone responds “No”, no further action is required; their response is immediately recorded in the database.
When someone responds “Yes” or “Maybe”, and the guests and comment options have not been enabled, their response is also recorded immediately.
When someone responds “Yes” or “Maybe”, and the guests and/or comment options are enabled, a dialog will popup to collect this information before the RSVP can be recorded.