In the Event Manager and in the Maintain column for each listed event, click the Copy icon to make a copy of an event, including all properties and activities but not registrant data. After you have defined an event, this option will allow you to copy it one or more times.
Make One Copy
Specify the new start date and click Copy Event. A copy of the event is made to the new date. Note that the old and new events are not connected in any way. Changes made to one of them will not be reflected in the other.
Make Multiple Copies
Begin by specifying the copy frequency and the new start date for the recurring copies. Then specify the options that pertain to the chosen frequency.
Daily: You can copy the event every 1 to X days or on every weekday. For the Copy Range, specify a number of occurrences or the finish date. A maximum of 50 copies can be made. The example shows an event that’s copied every three days for 10 occurrences.
Weekly: You can copy the event every X weeks, with individual control over which days of the week will receive the copies. For the Copy Range, specify a number of occurrences or the finish date. A maximum of 52 copies can be made. The example shows an event that’s copied every other Saturday for the next 38 weeks (20 times).
Monthly: You can copy the event to a specific day of the month and every X months. Or you can copy to the first, second, third, fourth or last day of the week of every X months. For the Copy Range, specify a number of occurrences or the finish date. A maximum of 24 copies can be made. The example shows an event that’s copied to the second Tuesday of the month for the next 12 months.
Yearly: You can copy the event to a day of a specific month. Or you can copy to the first, second, third, fourth or last day of the week of a specific month. For the Copy Range, specify a number of occurrences or the finish date. A maximum of 12 copies can be made. The example shows an event that’s copied to the first Sunday in June for the next 5 years.
Click Copy Event to initiate the copy.
Unlike Outlook, copied events are no longer connected to the original event; they exist as separate events in the ClubExpress calendar. If you need to make a change after having made the copy, it will need to be made separately to every instance of the copied event. So you should check the source event carefully before making the copy to be sure that it’s exactly what you want!