When you create a new event and save the Basic Info screen, you will be taken to the event admin screen.
At the top of the screen you'll see the Event Manager Buttons. Click Back to Event to jump to the screen that users will see when they click an event in the calendar. It shows the details of the event and allows them to register, add the event to their calendar, see who else is coming, or view an event report or photo album. Using these buttons you'll also be able to manage registrations, run reports, send emails to registrants and more. To learn more about your options to manage events you've created using the Event Manager Buttons, go here.
At the top is the event title, date, time and short description. On the left you'll see the Builder Status Menu. This menu will allow you to navigate between panels and further configure event details. Completed panels will have a green dot, panels which have not been marked as complete will have a yellow dot.
When you select a panel, you'll see a summary of the details that you've configured in the Event Panel. To add or change details for that panel, click the Edit icon next to the panel name, in the top left-hand corner.
You'll edit the details for that section within the Editing Area. The Builder Status Menu will remain on the left-hand side of your screen. When you're satisfied with your changes, you have two options: you can mark the panel as complete by checking the box at the bottom of your screen, then click Save to save your changes, or you can simply save your changes without marking the panel as complete. In either case, your changes are saved to the event, and you can still make changes in the future.
Refreshing Your Event
Below the Builder Status Menu you'll see a button allowing you to refresh the event. Refreshing the event should only be done if your users are experiencing issues access and registering for the event. Refreshing the event will not delete event details or registrations.