Your organization may use Committees to designate formal and informal working groups. Depending on your organization's settings, members can view and email committee members and sign up for a committee on their own.
The Committees page shows all committees in your organization; each card may have a description, a link to a page with more information, and a link to view committee members.
Members of a club or association with subgroups (chapters) may also see committees for members of their subgroup.
Some committee member lists are private and only visible to existing members of the committee. Members cannot join these committees on their own. Contact your club administrator if you have questions.
Select the View Members link for any committee to view committee members, send them an email or join the committee.
Joining a Committee
Select View Members. If members can sign up for the committee on their own, you'll see a button Sign Me Up. Select the button to join the committee. If you want to remove yourself from the committee, select Remove Me.
Emailing a Committee
Select View Members. If members can email the committee, you'll see a button Send Email to Members. Select the button to send a plain text email to all committee members.