Your organization may choose to display chapters and interest groups in a list to make it easy for logged-in members to join or leave a group.
When you navigate to your club's Group Directory, you'll see a search panel. Use the panel to find the group you want to join or click Search without entering search criteria to view all available groups.
Your organization may choose to display Interest groups, chapters, or both. Interest groups are divided into categories, and chapters are divided into districts or regions.
Joining an Interest or Chapter
Interest groups and chapters free to join will show the words "No Fee" above the Join button. If there is a fee to join, you'll see the fee above the button.
Click the group name to view more information. Click the Join button to join the group or chapter. If there is a fee to join, you'll be taken to the payment page to complete your payment. You won't be a member of the Interest or chapter until you've completed the required payment.
Leaving an Interest or Chapter
If you're already a member, you'll see an Unjoin button. Click the button to remove yourself from the group. You'll be prompted to confirm this action.