Questions can be created in Additional Member Data, Event Questions, Surveys, and Ad Hoc Forms. Select the option to add a new question in any function or module. Refer to the module's instructions on where questions might be added for that feature.
Specify the Page on which the question should be placed. You can specify the Scratchpad or any page you have defined.
Question Name is used on the manager grid only; it is only shown to users in error messages.
Select the Answer Type from the drop-down list. (Answer types are described in detail below.) The screen will refresh to show additional options.
The Question field contains the actual text that will be shown to users.
The Notes field allows you to enter additional text that will be shown under the question and in a smaller font. It is usually used for prompts or hints on answering the question. There is a limit of 250 characters.
Some answer types require a list of options, including allowable values or a range of text to be used; the prompt under the field will tell you what should be entered. If an item list must be specified, put each item on a separate line.
Some answer types allow for a Default Answer that will be pre-filled in but which can be changed.
Some answer types support Minimum and Maximum Answer values. Specify one or both values based on the answer type.
Some answer types support a maximum length to control how much text can be entered.
Most answer types also support a Response Required option. Select "Yes" if an answer must be provided.
Some answer types support an Other field. Select "Yes" to display this option at the end of your specified options. You do not need to add 'Other' to your list; the system will do it for you. If the user selects this option, they will see a field where another response can be entered.
Some answer types support a Comments box. Select "Yes" to display this box so users can add comments beyond their main answer.
The Member can edit option controls whether members can edit the response to this question or whether this is limited to admins only. Some item properties might be controlled at the club or association level and cannot be changed by members.
The Searchable Question option controls whether this question can be used as a search criterion on the user and admin screens.
Response Visibility controls who can see the response to this question: everyone, members only, or admins only.
Additional fields may be available in the module. Please take a look at the module instructions for any additional fields.