See also Enabling and Disabling a Built-In Module
When a club or association administrator logs into the website, the system places a special Control Panel option at the end of the menu (or along the top left edge of the screen, depending on the template you are using.) Clicking this option displays a screen similar to the following:
The Control Panel is where an administrator manages every aspect of the organization’s operations. It has six sections, five of them representing the major categories of “things” that clubs and associations need to manage:
People, including members and non-members;
Website, including areas for the public and members-only;
Money, including transactions, payments and credits;
Club, including basic club information, administrators, titles, etc. This section also allows you configure chapters, districts and regions if they apply to your organization. Note that this keyword will be the same as the keyword you specified for your organization (“Association”, “Society”, etc.)
Communications, including emailings to members and non-members.
Support, listing the support resources available to club and association administrators.
(For ClubExpress customers that are Aging-in-Place Villages, a Services section appears between People and Website, It includes much of the special functionality added for Villages that are part of the Village-to-Village Network.
Each of the first five sections has the following three panels:
- Admin Functions, showing the databases and reports for that category;
- Website Modules, listing the enabled modules for that category
- Setup, listing the various configuration functions that are used once when your website/database is first configured;
At the top of the Control Panel is a membership summary, showing how many active, pending and expired members in the database.
Websites are built from a combination of built-in functions, custom web pages and photo albums (as well as the home page, and the built-in admin screens to manage a member’s personal profile and the Control Panel.) Individual functions can be enabled or disabled; if a function is enabled, it can be placed on the menu for all site users or for members only, or left off the menu and accessed via a link on another page.
Functions have a “user” side, available to members and sometimes also to non-members. Most functions also have an “admin” side to configure that function. This admin side is accessible in two ways:
When the Website Modules panel is in Edit Mode (where the panel says "Switch to View Mode"), and via the pencil icon in the Page Tools Widget, floating on the right side of the website and accessible to club administrators and that function’s coordinators only from any page in the function.
Control Panel Notices
Select Show Notices to show recent ClubExpress notices. New notices will appear in the panel. If there are no new notices, select the available link to read old notices. Select Hide Notices to collapse the panel.
Notices are only visible to administrators; coordinators will not see notices.
Adding Coordinators
Select Configure to show the Configure pop-up dialog. Select a module or function, then select the Coordinators tab (if necessary).
If your club or association has subgroups, you can define subgroup-specific coordinators for the Committees, Documents, Event Calendar and Discussion Forums module. The screen above will have an additional column showing the subgroup at which each coordinator is defined.
See Control Panel Coordinators
Using Your Dashboard
The Dashboard tab in the Control Panel displays various charts, graphs and reports using your club's live data. Administrators and coordinators can customize their view to include specific reports and charts, and many of the dashboard items offer the option to print a CSV version of the report.
When you sign in initially, you'll see a message noting you'll need to add charts and configure your Dashboard to view content.
Click the Configure button in the Dashboard tab to view the available charts and reports. Using the arrows, or double-clicking the options, make your selections and click Save.
For each item, you'll see a menu icon and an expand icon. Click the menu icon to view the available filter options for the report.
Click the expand icon to view the chart or report in a larger window, and optionally download a CSV version of the report, or print the chart.