ClubExpress includes a few standard administrator dialogs that appear in multiple locations:
Display Sequencer
Many lists can be sequenced in a user-defined order by clicking the Display Sequence button.
To change the display sequence, select an option, then click the Up and Down arrow buttons to move the selection up or down. You can also type [Ctrl-Up] and [Ctrl-Down] on a PC keyboard to quickly move the highlighted choice up or down. On a Mac, use [Command-Control-Up] and [Command-Control-Down].
Clicking the Alpha button will sort in alphabetical order. Click the button once for ascending order, and again for descending order.
On a PC, the display sequencer also supports [Shift-click] to select a contiguous block of items, and [Ctrl-click] to select multiple discrete items. On a Mac, [Shift-click] is the same to select a contiguous block but use [Command-Option-click] to select multiple discrete items.
When you move the selected items up or down, they are all moved at once. Click the Alpha button to re-order the whole list alphabetically in one fell swoop!
Member and Non-Member Selector
There are places in the system where you need to select a member from among the available members (Active and Bulk Loaded only) when you click the Select Member link.
Enter the first few letters of the member’s last name and click Search (or just press the [Enter] key.) Members with matching last names will be displayed.
To further restrict the search, you can add a comma after the last name and enter all or part of a first name. You can also search by first name alone by entering the comma as the first character then entering a full or partial first name.
Highlight one and click Select, or click Cancel to close the dialog without making a selection. You can also double-click the mouse on a member’s name and the system will select it and close the dialog in one step.
The member selector generally only shows Active members but in certain places within the system, it may also show Bulk Loaded, Pending, Prospective and even Expired members, depending on the situation.
For multi-tier clubs and associations (with chapters, etc.), the member selector may include a member’s chapter name, to help distinguish members with the same name in different chapters.
A similar selector is used in places where you need to select a non-member from the Non-member Database.
Subgroup Level Selector
For clubs and associations with subgroups a level selector is displayed in various places in the system.
When you define coordinators for a module that supports subgroups, you can specify to which subgroup the coordinator has rights.