Select the Configure – Event Defaults option to define standard event information that you will use over and over again.
Default Event Panel Settings
When a new event is defined, the various configuration options are spread across several panels. If a significant percentage of your events always use the same panels, you can configure which ones are checked by default. These can be changed for each event. Check a box to tell the system to use short names for the Event Builder Menu. You might want to use short names if your website template has the menus on the left side (instead of across the top).
If you frequently need members to “sign” a Release Agreement when registering for events, enter the title and text for a standard agreement here. When you create individual events, you can enable the release agreement option and decide if you want to use the standard one or modify it.
Optionally specify a default Cancellation Policy. This policy can then be applied to specific events where it’s appropriate to state such a policy. The default policy can be modified for each event.
- Specify the default start and end times in the day. This option is used in conjunction with the following Time Increment option to determine what times appear as each new event is specified.
- Specify the default Time Increment when selecting times for new events. This is just a shortcut when entering time; you can also manually type any time value into the Start Time and Finish Time fields.
- The No Events Allowed Beyond setting controls how far out event coordinators and contacts can create events. This does not affect full website administrators.
- Select the Default Visibility setting for events. This controls whether the event is visible on the calendar, this does not determine who is able to register.
Default Calendar View - When users select the Calendar from the menu, define what they will see. The following options are available:
- Grid view,
- List view Month, Week, Day,
- List view Future (showing all future events)
- The List View button text and Event Contact Prompt can both be changed.
- For the grid view, you can configure whether the Week Begins on Sunday or Monday. This setting controls the first column in the grid.
- The Show Holidays option determines if major public and religious holidays and other significant dates (for example, Halloween, Mother’s Day and the equinoxes/solstices) are shown, and if they are shown before or after events on the calendar that you have configured. The holidays shown are specific to each country (USA, Canada, Australia, and the UK only for now.)
- The Event Description panel default position can be specified. It can then be changed for each event.
- Use the Can Members Create QuickEvents option to allow members to create their own QuickEvents. Then, determine whether approval is required for QuickEvents to control whether QuickEvents are immediately visible or only visible after an admin or module coordinator has reviewed and approved the QuickEvent.
- When an event is created, you can have the system notify a list of people. Specify their email addresses, separated by semicolons and without spaces. The maximum length is 255 chars. To notify the list automatically when an event is created, select Automatic. Selecting On Demand adds a "Send Email" button to the Event Admin Screen for each event. Clicking the button will send the email notification to the list of users.
Default Event Contact
For organizations where all or most events typically flow through a single person, use Default Event Coordinator to specify this name, what information should be shown on the Event Info screen, and whether he or she is notified when a registration takes place. The default will be copied into each new event but it can be changed.
- Specify the default Registration setting that you most often use.
- You can also specify standard text for the Register Button.
- Specify the label for the first price listed for an event if the registration fee changes after a specified date, such as an early-bird price. Specify the label for the second price listed for an event if the registration fee changes after a specified date.
- The Show Capacity option controls whether the capacity of a single-activity event or each activity in a multi-activity event is typically shown to everyone who is registering.
- The Show Available Slots option controls whether users can see how many people have already signed up. For popular events, you may want to show how many people have already signed up, or how few slots remain.
- The Waitlist hours function sets the default number of hours a person has to register for an event when a new spot opens for registration. Then, determine whether the Waitlist should be processed manually or automatically. If you are processing your list manually, an administrator, event coordinator or event contact with admin rights notifies Waitlisted users manually either by sending an email to everyone at once, or by emailing individual users in any order. If you are processing your list automatically, the system will notify the first Waitlisted user. If that user does not register within the time specified in Waitlist hours, the next Waitlisted user will be notified. This process will continue down your list of Waitlisted users.
- The Avoid Duplicate Registrations option attempts to block members and non-members from signing up twice. For logged in members, this is straightforward but for non-members, it’s a little harder. We match on email address and first name; if the user specifies a different email address, the duplicate registration will not be blocked.
- The Maximum Guests Allowed option configures the default value for how many guests can be signed up by each registrant. This setting can be changed when you configure each event.
- The Copy Data From Primary option applies when event questions are linked to member data. When you create an event question, you have the option to link the question to an existing question from either basic contact information or additional member data. If the data is not present for secondary and/or tertiary members and you want to use the answers collected from the primary member, select "Yes". If you do not want to copy the answers from the primary member, select "No".
- Select the registrant list display, either a grid listing registrant names or a simplified directory format, which includes the registrants member profile photo. Remember, in order to allow members to upload a profile photo, you'll need to enable the member directory. You don't need to make the directory available on your menu.
Activities, Items and Sequence Numbers
- Determine the default sales tax to be used when defining activities or items in a Multiple Activity event.
- For multi-activity events, where you can sell items (something physical that people take away) alongside activities (something that people attend), you can set a default to limit people to one item per registrant or allow them to buy more than one item.
- With the second option, you can also configure a default amount as well as minimum and maximum amounts. These default settings can then be changed for each multi-activity event.
- You can configure the event calendar registration system to generate a unique sequence number for each registration, each registrant, or each registrant in a specific activity. Here are some examples of how this feature could be used:
- At the registration level, to number each information packet handed out;At the registrant level, a running or cycling club could register each runner or rider signed up for a specific event;
- At the activity-registrant level, a car club could register each car that signed up for a concourse or show within a larger event;
- For an annual banquet or dinner, each registrant could receive a unique number used in a prize drawing.For an annual banquet or dinner, each registrant could receive a unique number used in a prize drawing.
To enable this feature, check the appropriate boxes. You can also specify a default label and starting number (for example, 1001 instead of 1) to be used at each level. This information can then be changed each time it’s used for an event.
Non-Member/Guest Settings
The grid lists five general categories of non-member and guest data and allows you to configure the fields that should be displayed and that should be required. The options are:
- Do Not Show
- Show (not required)
- Show and Require
Changes made on this screen will apply to all new events created from this point forward. These settings can then be further customized for each event.
If you have text messaging enabled and would like to send non-member and guest registrants text messages, you need to collect a mobile phone number upon registration.
Chapters, etc.
If your club or association has subgroups, you can configure a special icon in the
event calendar to indicate the subgroup level that is organizing this event.
Check the box if you want an icon defined at that level. Then specify the color and letter to use.
You might pick a red “C” at the chapter level and a blue “S” at the state level if that’s what your districts are called.
Click Save to save your entry and return to the list screen, or Cancel to return without saving.