ClubExpress allows you to create email templates that can be used over and over again, to ensure a consistent look and feel to your communications with members and non-members. You can create templates through the Configure menu or by saving an email you've created as a template to use later. You can swap out photos, text, links and more. Or, you can reuse the same images, like a header for each email. Once templates have been created, you can select them whenever you create an email. Templates do not need to be complete emailings. They can be as simple as a single panel that you place at the bottom of every emailing, or as complex as multiple panels with a standard layout for a monthly newsletter, when you go in each month to adjust the content only.
Navigate to the Control Panel > Communications Tab > Website Modules > Blast Emailing.
Adding a New Template
Click Configure - Templates to add a new template.
Click the Add Template button to create a new template, where you will specify the name, type (HTML or Plain Text) and email body, using the Emailing system. You can also edit and copy existing templates to make small changes by using the standard icons in the Maintain Column.
Deleting a template will not delete emails associated with the template.
Using a Template
When you're creating an email, click the Templates tab on the right panel to view a list of built-in and custom templates. When you drag a template onto the canvas, these elements will be inserted at the drop position, alongside the elements already there.
Saving an Email as a Template
When you're finished drafting an email, scroll to the bottom and click Save as Template. You'll have the option to save the email as a new template, or save over an existing template.