Service Providers may only be available during certain times on specific days and may want to block off time for vacation or breaks. An administrator or coordinator can modify these settings.
Navigate to the Control Panel > Services Tab > Setup Section > Service Providers.
Use the search panel to find the volunteer, then click the Vettings icon in the Maintain Column.
Hover over the icon to reveal the icon's name as a tooltip.
Click the Add Service Provider Vetting button.
Choose the vetting type from the available options, then enter any additional notes, like a report number. If a vetting type expires, you will also see a field to enter this date. The Who Entered field comes from the list of Responsible Staffers; it will default to the currently logged-in user (see Adding Responsible Staffers).
When you believe a service provider has been fully vetted, check the box at the top and click Apply; the system will flag this provider appropriately. You can reverse this action by unchecking the box and clicking Apply again.
ClubExpress does not enforce the fully vetted flag; it is advisory only, and you can still select a service provider who is not fully vetted. Because each village (and state!) has different requirements and policies, you assume all responsibility for deciding whether a particular service provider is ready to be assigned to a service request.