Members receiving services can rate and comment on their provider. Administrators and coordinators can access their history through their Service Provider profile.
Service Providers may only be available during certain times on specific days and may want to block off time for vacation or breaks. An administrator or coordinator can modify these settings.
Navigate to the Control Panel > Services Tab > Setup Section > Service Providers.
Use the search panel to find the volunteer, then click the History icon in the Maintain Column.
Hover over the icon to reveal the icon's name as a tooltip.
The top panel shows upcoming service requests for which this provider is listed. It does not mean that the provider has been selected to provide this service, merely that you have added the provider to the request.
The bottom panel shows past service requests listed in descending date order, including the member name and date, ratings and comments. By default, the system only shows the past 30 days of history. Check the box to see more than 30 days.