If you don't see an option mentioned here, it may be turned off in Service Options. See Setting Service Request Options.
Navigate to the Control Panel > Services Tab > Admin Functions > Member Services.
Choose the service request type you want to add: transportation, member's home, office time, or a contractor referral. See About Service Request Types.
Requesting Member
Click the Select link to choose the requesting member. If Special Instructions have been defined for a member, these will also be filled in on the form. If a Staff Alert field has been defined, and if there’s a value in the field for the selected member, a red Alert icon will appear. Click it to display a popup screen showing the alert information.
When a member is selected, their expiration date will appear in red if their membership is due to expire within the next 10 days.
Requested Date and Times/ Description
Select the service request date and time. You may also make the service time optional, the date and time flexible, and to mark a request as a High priority.
Basic Info
Enter a short description to be included in system emails for the request. Select the appropriate category from the list, and the related services will appear beneath it. Select the service type.
Display for Online Signup
If the Volunteer Self-Signup (VSS) module is enabled (see Volunteer Self-Signup) and if the specified service is eligible for self-signup, you'll determine whether to include the request in the module. Check Yes if you want this service request to appear on the VSS list, or No if it should not appear and will, instead, be assigned by a village staff member. See Configuring Volunteer Self-Signup.
Starting Location and Destination
Specify the starting location for this request. For most requests, this will likely be the member’s home. Enter the name and address of the starting location. You can also select a destination from your list of Standard Destinations. See Adding Standard Destinations.
Alternatively, if a standard location has not been specified, you can type anything into the Destination field and optionally add it as a Standard Destination.
If the request is for transportation, you can specify whether it is a one-way or round-trip request. Round-trip requests can later be split into two separate one-way transportation requests. If the request is a round trip, you will also have the option to note that only one driver (volunteer) will be handling it.
Adding a Service Provider
The system supports multiple service providers linked to each service request, and there are several ways you may contact and work with a volunteer. See Choosing a Service Provider and Working with Selected Service Providers.
Special Instructions
Use this field to enter special instructions or comments about the service request. This information is included in confirmation emails to the service provider and member. You can enter a maximum of 1000 characters.
If you have defined a Special Instructions additional member data question and linked it to the Services module from the Service Options screen, the contents of this question will automatically be inserted in this field whenever a new service request is created.
Member and Provider Assistance
Select the type of assistance from the drop-down menu if member assistance is required. You can also select additional items a service provider may need to enter for a transportation request (additional miles or time).
Followup Date
When you enter a date in this field, an open Contact Log entry is created to remind you to follow up with the member. This entry is coded as “SR F/U” to indicate that it came from the Service Request function (versus one coded as “CL F/U” which indicates that it came from the Contact Log function.) If you click Edit for an “SR F/U” entry in the Contact Log, the Add/Edit Service Request form is displayed.
For Village Scheduled services, there are five status values:
- Requested - The service is being set up but has not yet been linked to providers. This status is also used when village members make this request themselves through the system.
- Pending - This service is still being set up and has now been linked to one or more service providers.
- Confirmed - This service is confirmed with both the member and service provider. Only available for village-scheduled services.
- Completed - This service has been performed. This status may also confirm that the member has been contacted to provide followup comments and a rating.
- Canceled - This service was scheduled but the member later called to cancel. It stays in the database for reference purposes. (A full “Delete” option is also available on the main screen.) When you select this option, a Reason field will appear, allowing you to select a reason for the cancellation.
When a service provider is selected and the service request is saved, the status will automatically change depending on which model is specified in Service Options. See Setting Service Request Options.
Responsible Staffer
Select a responsible staffer from the drop-down list. This indicates who is responsible for following up with the members and volunteers to ensure that someone handles the service request and collects feedback afterward. This list is populated from the Responsible Staffer option in the Control Panel.
Contact Log and Email Confirmations
Select the contact log status priority from the drop-down menu. Finally, you can enter an email address to be cc'ed on all confirmation emails (for example, the requesting member's child).