When a service has been completed and you're ready to follow up with the member and service provider for their feedback, you'll complete the request and fill in final details.
Navigate to the Control Panel > Services Tab > Admin Functions > Member Services.
Use the search panel to find the service request you want to complete.
Click the Mark Complete (green checkmark) icon in the Maintain Column.
If no service provider was selected, you'll see a short form to confirm.
If the request had at least one confirmed service provider, you'll see options to rate and comment.
Ask the member to rate the service provided by this provider. Click the stars to record a Rating. Each star can be clicked in full or half. You can also store any comments provided by the member and the service provider.
You can also verify the duration of the request with the provider, mileage driven for transportation services, and any direct expense incurred (tolls, parking, etc.) There are reports in the system to collect this information so that volunteers can claim tax deductions, and also to allow your village to report aggregate time to donors and foundations. A responsible staff member can verify this information.
If more than one service provider is “Selected” for a service request, the ratings, comments, duration, mileage, and expenses fields are shown for each selected provider.
If the duration field is blank, it will be calculated automatically based on the listed service request start and finish times.